“The poles shall be in the rings of the ark; they shall not be taken from it. And you shall put into the ark the Testimony which I will give you.”
Exodus 25:15-16 NKJV
Carrying the call one must always have a handle on their testimony, mission, or assignment; ready to deliver it where God calls them to take it. Without the poles in the rings, making the ark ready to be carried at a moment's notice, would have delayed the journey when the children of Israel were instructed to go!
It reminds me of the 10 virgins- 5 were prepared with their oil and 5 were not. The ones who lived their lives with their hands on the handle were ready for the beckoning of the King. Read that again.
This is what it means to be prepared in and out of season. To go where the spirit leads. The handle and the hands are at all times available to carry the message. The good news. The anointing. The mobile presence of God himself!!!
It also makes me consider the importance of having another to help carry the call. First of all? covenants are made between two or more.
Carrying the ark of the covenant needed a team, otherwise, one person would be dragging it. It was meant to be carried not dragged. We see that example when Jesus sent his disciples out 2 by 2. We are told when two or more are gathered He is there with us.
The word tells us two are better than one. So when I consider the Ark of the Covenant and its design, I think of the poles. It could have been made to place on a cart. Or could have pulled but it was a holy inhabitant. It held the anointing. It was created to be carried by priests who walked in Unity and to be mobile at all times and ready to move at God's instructions.
We are a holy people. We are a holy container. We are created for community and we are designed to bear one another’s burdens. We are dispatched in teams. We are a body. We are a temple. We hold a covenant, we walk in a covenant and we are examples of what a covenant is.
Even in our lonely seasons, we are reminded that we are never alone. When friends scatter. Ministry’s crumble or relationships implode, the promise remains, “Low, I am with you always. I will never leave you.
I go before you and I follow you.”
If you are in a season of carrying the call alone, remember this- He will send you your team. He will assign those to help you carry the anointing on your life. And the in-between times are for intimacy with the Almighty. It’s for nurturing and revelation. It’s your secret place with your best friend and lover of your soul.
Go in the strength you have sis. Start where you are. Start by yourself if you must and watch God send you your tribe.
Love H
This is my take on the verses above!