I recently blogged about the night seasons of our lives. As I was praying about the declaration over October, I only heard one thing-Holiness.
As I considered the beautiful yet challenging word, I felt impressed by Jesus to ponder the ways of holiness.
A holy hurt
A holy joy
A holy anger
Holy ground
Holy character
Being holy as Jesus is holy.
None of which can be done without a yielded heart.
When I think about holiness, the phrase “a holy hurt” stands out as I write. For me, a holy hurt is a pain or grief that refines your heart, spirit and soul; causing us to lean in towards the fire that feels as if it will consume us, but it also heals and changes us. In that transformational trial, we learn a new song and our spirit searches for Him and His nature. And it this season we experience a new character of God.
“Then I remembered the worship songs I used to sing in the night seasons, and my heart began to fill again with thoughts of you. So my spirit went out once more in search of you.” Psalms 77:6 TPT
That’s the lovely part about new seasons; they reveal another nature of our Heavenly Father we may have not seen. We experience a holy joy that can only come from a dark and deep pain. We understand a holy hurt that isn’t allowed to destroy us but instead, it reshapes us. We develop a new character; dare I say a holy character when we lean into the Fire. Surrendering our will, sacrificing our ways, and seeking only the Kingdom. We ask the question “how do we become holy like our savior?” Realizing that holiness is not perfection but the development of our spiritual life while we live in a broken and wound-causing world.
Holiness is not achieved, it’s lived. It’s walked out in the very nature of our Savior living through us. Infusing us with His strength in our weakness. Joy in our sorrow. Peace in an atmosphere of anxiousness. And a true wholeness when all we feel is broken.
If you’re in a night season, will you do this one thing; ask to find a new nature of God you have never experienced. Mary and Martha knew Jesus the healer, but their night season uncovered Jesus the death slayer.
Who is He to you today? What do you know of Holy? Think about it.
“As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; you be holy.” 1 Peter 1:16 MSG