
Surrender means more than letting go.
It also means obedience to grasp what may be in front of us as we relinquish our own agenda, plans and ideas.
Surrender means trusting the one we have raised our hands to and towards.
It means resting in the one who is directing or redirecting.
It means waiting: Actively waiting and yes, it means to let go. Let go of your ideas, your plans and even your dreams.
Surrender to the dream giver, maker and fulfiller of all dreams.
Surrender to the One who knows the way without a GPS.
Surrender to the one who sees you waiting and is aligning the right path to guide your steps toward.
He is assigning the right people to encourage mentor and council you.
Surrender to being vulnerable enough to be teachable. Brave enough to fail.
Surrender to the one who’s ways are greater and thoughts are higher.
Surrender to the one who placed the desire to desire.
Surrender to all the wonderful and painful meanings of surrender.
Because darling, when you surrender, this is when your heart and hands are truly full of hope.
Surrendered brokenness can heal. Guarded brokenness can not.
Holly Sue Ruddock