
You Matter
By Holly Ruddock
You, my friend, have a purpose. It’s not a size. You have a call. It’s not a title. You have a destiny. It’s not a position.Â
Oh friends, you are the apple of His eye. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your existence is for His delight. You are made for more than paying bills, clocking in, and commuting.Â
It’s the minutes in those actions that serve a purpose. It’s the character in the moment. It’s the interactions we have with those we see, speak to and touch.Â
Its knowing we are not just a bag of bones walking on this earth, but a daughter fulfilling our Fathers purpose.Â
It’s recognizing that our life matters. It’s makes a difference. Our voice counts. And we are important instruments in the hands of our King.Â
Because, believe me, you are made for more. And the hands of God are often found at the end of obedient arms.